Importance of Emotions
Jodi’s on the road in Huntington, WV teaching ‘Managing Your Emotions’. While her students were on break she created a quick little video lesson about emotions.
Here’s the exercise that you might complete on your own.
Build a list of negative emotions:
It’s important to note that as you’re experiencing these negative emotions that you notice how you feel. Typically they should make you feel pretty darn bad. And just know that as you feel bad, you’re sending out a negative vibe.
We need to reset that. Below is a list of positive emotions:
When you’re experiencing those emotions they make you feel good and you’re putting out some positive vibes.
There are a ton of different emotions and we’re always going to have them. I like to think we really only have two though, those that make you feel bad and those that make you feel good.
Here’s why it’s so important to be aware of your emotions and how they make you feel. …. Because that powerful Law of Attraction is always at work and matching the vibe that you’re sending. It’s always checking and matching, checking and matching, checking and matching.
There’s a saying or quote I heard long ago and can’t seem to find the author and it goes like this: “The Quality of My Life is Determined By My Habitual Emotion”.
Would you agree that we may be addicted to our own emotions? They just become habit. So my question to you is “Where are you spending most of your time during your day. Are you stuck on the negative side feeling frustrated, ticked off or angry? Or are you spending most of your day feeling positive emotions?
Think about that and start to become aware of your feelings. Am I feeling bad? If so that means I’m also sending out negative vibes, or am I feeling good and sending out positive vibes?
Remember that Law of Attraction is always matching to bring you more of the vibe that you are sending. If you’re spending most of your time on the negative side, LOA can only bring you more situations, experiences, people and events that bring you more negative feelings.
If you’re spending more time on the positive side, LOA can only bring you more positive people situations & events in your life.
Here’s the quickest reset to get from the negative side to the positive side? I love to talk about gratitude. Whenever I notice that I’m feeling bad for any reason, I make a list of all the things that are going well for me. It’s the fastest way for me to reset a negative vibe to a positive vibe. Think about it….when was the last time you were ticked off and grateful at the same time? It just can’t happen.
So there’s a quick lesson for you on emotions. Your homework is to start noticing where you’re spending most of your day, experiencing negative emotions or positive emotions. Remember that Law of Attraction is always matching the vibe that you’re sending.
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