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Module 6: Unlock the Transformative Power of Affirmations [PDF]

Last activity on January 22, 2025

Lesson 6: Amplify Your Affirmations: Techniques to Supercharge Your Manifestation Power

Here’s How You Can Supercharge Your Affirmations!

– Read through your affirmations at least two times – once in the morning when you first wake up
and then again at night before going to sleep. Your sub-conscious mind is the most receptive
when you are still in that somewhat dreamy state.

– Repeat your affirmations whenever you notice you’re thinking negative thoughts.

– Many people write them out on a note card and carry it with them. Or post them in an area
where you will see them often such as your mirror. The goal here is to keep them constantly in
your visual field to stay focused on what you want to create.

– The process of reading through your affirmations every day brings them to the forefront of your consciousness and becomes a habit.

– The next step is to read your affirmation, and then close your eyes and visualize the result… the way you want it to be when you are with your soulmate.

– Add feeling! You can repeat your affirmations all day long but without emotion, it’s likely to do very little for you. Remember, the Law of Attraction is attracting to you more of what you’re feeling. So have fun with them and just enjoy the process.

– Let go of the attachment to the outcome. Don’t judge the process – trust and have faith that it’s
working. Relax and let the universe handle the details!


Here are a few additional things you can do to supercharge your affirmations!


– Record your affirmation on your phone and listen often. Listening to your voice speak your
affirmation can be powerful.

– Use your affirmation as a screen saver

– Set a timer on your phone to remind you periodically throughout your day to think about your

– Type it out and include it in a beautiful picture frame and keep it on your desk or dresser.


“Constant repetition carries conviction. Repeat your affirmations often. Write them down and
constantly remind yourself of them. Let them be branded in your mind so you are constantly thinking of
or referring to them.” – Robert Collier


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6 Lessons