Last activity on January 22, 2025
What are Affirmations?
Affirmations are among the most powerful tools we can use for personal transformation. They support your vision because it’s a statement that describes a goal, dream, or desire in its already completed state.
Now that you are clear about the characteristics of your ideal soulmate and your lifestyle together, you want to create an affirmation to focus your sub-conscious mind on identifying ways to magnetize your desire to you.
Let’s go over some general guidelines for effective affirmations:
– They usually start with I am
– Use the present tense
– State it in the positive. Affirm what you want, not what you don’t want
– Keep it brief so it’s easy to remember
– Make it specific
– Include an action word ending with – ing: I am celebrating, I am loving, I am enjoying
– Include at least one dynamic emotion or feeling word; joyfully, proudly, gratefully
– Make affirmations for yourself, not others
– Where it makes sense, add the words, this or better than this. When you add the words “or something better” it opens up opportunity to attract something even more wonderful than you imagined.
Now the purpose of an affirmation is to declare something as if it was already true, but it’s not manifested yet. This creates a dynamic tension in the brain that results in motivation.
Affirmations & Law of Attraction
I have one caveat here about the Affirmations & Law of Attraction. We learned that Law of Attraction will bring to you what you’re giving your attention, energy & focus to, positive or negative.
If you write and read an affirmation that doesn’t feel good, true, or believable to you, well, then Law of Attraction is going to bring you more of that feeling. What I learned to do and I tell my clients to do as well, is to keep tweaking them until they do feel good and believable to me.
Example: I am in the process of magnetizing my soulmate. That should feel true and believable to you because you are in the process of magnetizing your soulmate!
When you memorize them or read them over & over, they should cause you to feel good and excited to attract your desire into existence.
Affirmations do work. Be sure to use them anytime you catch yourself thinking or talking about what you don’t want. Turn the statement around with your positive affirmation.
What are Affirmations? Download
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