How to Attract Your Ideal Mate
Want to attract your ideal mate or improve the relationship you already have?
You don’t need to learn how to attract relationships… You see you’re already attracting relationships to your life right now – whether you like them or not, whether they work or not, or whether they’re wonderful or not, you’re attracting them.
During this content-rich, high-participation training seminar…
You will learn:
- Why you keep attracting the same types of relationships over & over
- How to attract ideal relationships (love, family, business)
- How knowing what you don’t want births clarity about the relationship you do want
- Why you’re not attracting what you desire
- How to develop the mindset to attract what you do want
- The words that attract negative relationships
- The 3-step process for deliberate attraction
- Tools and strategies to help you receive what you want
- Why affirmations don’t work for most people and how they can
- Learn strategies to improve the relationships you already have
- Learn to consistently attract the type of relationships you want in your life
- You’ll also bring home strategies for maintaining good language, positive thoughts, and a 30-day assignment to help integrate the message of the Law of Attraction into your life.