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“The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two is the difference between living fully and just existing.” ~ Michael E. Gerber, Author of The E-Myth […]
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“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there”. ~Will Rogers The last few letters in law of attraction are “action”. This is a big mistake many people make. They wait for …… (you name it). Once you’re inspired you have to take Action! That sets the energy […]
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“Keep your mind focused on what you want, not what you want to avoid.” ~ Napoleon Hill Friends that about sums it all up…. the result? a happy, joyful, fulfilling life!
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Here’s one worthy of taking note…. it’s on my vision board for sure! “Dreams come true, that’s what they do. The only variable is when. For the slow approach: Resist. Attach. Insist. Deny. Stop. Second guess. Whine. Argue. Defend. Protest. Cry. Struggle. And ask others, when you know the answer yourself. For the quick approach: […]
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“Be around people who can keep your energy and inspiration high. While you can make progress alone, it’s so much easier when you have support.” ~Dr. Joe Vitale They say we are the sum of 5 people we hang around with most. Think about it, do they uplift you up or drag you down? Hmmmmm
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“Happiness comes when you believe in what you are doing, know what you are doing and love what you are doing.” ~ Brian Tracy Say Yes if you love what you’re doing! YES!
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There’s a scientific explanation for why we sometimes fly off the handle or say things to others we wish we hadn’t said. And while it’s cool to know it’s not our fault, it’s also not a productive or attractive way to deal with our emotions.
When you notice someone or something has pushed your buttons and you feel those negative emotions rising, it’s your opportunity to practice emotional discipline and lower the intensity of those negative emotions.
Here are 7 tips to help you keep your cool:
1. Shift your focus to something that feels better as quickly as you can. I often use gratitude as my ‘go to’ emotional tool. When was the last time you were mad or angry and grateful at the same time? It’s just not possible.
designed by Elizabeth McCravy
Jodi Santangelo Copywrite 2021