Thousands of people use positive affirmations everyday as a tool to declare a desire and attract what they want. Typical money affirmations might be:
– “My Bank Account is Overflowing”
– “I am wealthy”
– “I attract money quickly and easily”
– “I have tons of money”
These statements all meet the guidelines of what experts would call a typical affirmation. The words are positive & personal, and the statements are short and in the present tense.
So how are they working for you?
Do you get that little voice in your head as you’re stating your ‘positive affirmation’ that says “that’s not true, my account isn’t overflowing, in fact it’s not flowing at all. And I don’t have tons of money!” Well that little voice in your head is now causing you to send a negative vibration.
This is really important to know and understand: A Positive Statement Can Send a Negative Vibration.
Now if you feel good stating your current affirmations, by all means keep them up! However if you feel like you’re telling yourself a lie, repeating it 100 times is not going to make you feel better. So there are words in your affirmation that are causing you to send a negative vibe and of course the Law of Attraction is busy matching your vibe to bring you more.
How To Do It:
You want to re-language or tweak your affirmations so they feel good. Try these:
– I’m in the process of attracting my ideal bank account
– I’m in the process of attracting more abundance in my life
Or take the focus off of money and just go for what you want:
– I’m in the process of attracting more clients
– I’m in the process of attract my ideal business
– I’m in the process of attracting a new car
Of course we’ve always heard to state our affirmations in the present tense. But now we know that if you state it as if you have it and you don’t; now you feel like you’re telling yourself a lie causing you to feel bad and unconsciously send a negative vibe.
Adding “I’m in the process of” helps your desire become more believable to you. And the ‘process’ of attracting anything you want starts when you are focused on your desire and give it lots of positive energy and enthusiasm.
If your affirmations aren’t working for you, tweak your words for much better results!
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